Hey, I'm Arnav Chahal.
I’m an aspiring Software Developer and Researcher with focuses in Machine Learning, Full Stack Development, and Cloud Computing with interests in financial modeling, quantum computation, and various other areas. Here you can explore my work and get to know more about me.
Check out my projects
My Background / About Me
I am a student at Vanderbilt University, pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, as part of a 3+1 master's program that will also earn me a Master’s degree in Computer Science. My interests lie at the intersection of machine learning, physics, and software engineering, focusing on how these fields can be applied to solve real-world problems in various domains.
I am passionate about technology and finance, blending the two through various projects and research. I have experience in software development, quantum physics and advanced math research, and machine learning applications across different fields, aiming to contribute to the evolving landscape of technology and finance through my work and collaborations.
Outside of academics and professional interests, I am an avid poker player, golf enthusiast, and a fan of Formula 1 racing. I enjoy watching soccer and exploring the latest trends in cryptocurrency. In my free time, I delve into quantum mechanics and keep up with advancements in machine learning.
I also really enjoy reading. Currently, I am reading "The Man in the Iron Mask," "The Canterbury Tales," and "Bulfinch's Mythology." Some of my favorite books include "The Idiot," "Blood Meridian," "The Secret History," "No Country for Old Men," "Hyperion," "Red Rising," "Whatever it Takes," "Vicious," "Notes from the Underground," and "White Nights."
My Work / My Projects
Library of Alexandria
A digital library that allows for storage of books and personalized recommendations. Backend currently not in production
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Financial Anomaly Detector
A tool designed to detect anomalies in financial data. Utilizing an Isolation Forest ML algorithm to flag anomalies
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Code Detective
In Progress: A CLI tool that uses ML to analyze your code for potential bugs and errors that might arise
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ML Vehicle Image CAPTCHA Project
A project to process and distinguish vehicles from images in the style of a CAPTCHA, utilizes ResNet-18, PCA, and SVMs.
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Financial Options Pricing
A project focused on implementing traditional options pricing algorithms.
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Quantum Comp Research
Research on implementing traditional options pricing algorithms using quantum computation techniques.
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Blackjack Game
A simple implementation of single-handed Blackjack.
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Quantum Physics Lab
Solving Schrödinger's equation in a two-electron system using the time-dependent variation principle, and generalizing it to solve for "n" electrons. Developing a Python script to facilitate these calculations.
MAPLE Lab: Machine Automation, Perception and Learning
Using machine learning for the detection of liver diseases and exploring its application in surgical robots in Professor Wu’s MAPLE lab.
Quantum Computation Research
Research on implementing traditional options pricing algorithms using quantum computation techniques.
Vanderbilt University 2024 - 2026
Master of Science in Computer Science

Relevant Coursework

  • Advanced Machine Learning
  • Extended Mathematical Programming
Vanderbilt University 2022 - 2026
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Minor: Physics

Relevant Coursework

  • Data Structures
  • Algorithms
  • Intermediate Software Design
  • Machine Learning
  • Operating Systems
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Database Management Systems
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Linear Algebra
  • Differential Equations
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Issued Jul 2024 · Expires Jul 2027
Credential ID: bf274857b84349f689d416a0010dd4fa


  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Cloud Computing
  • AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Solution Architecture
Machine Learning Specialization
Issued Aug 2023


  • Supervised Learning
  • TensorFlow
  • Decision Trees
  • Unsupervised Learning
Options 101: Akuna Capital University
Issued Aug 2023
Credential ID: cert_vw4ggqcy


  • Financial Options
  • Problem Solving
Introduction to DevOps
Issued Jul 2023
Credential ID: 5CL39MLQRKPB


  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
  • Test-Driven Development
  • DevOps
  • Agile Methodologies